Sage Horse Coaching is all about helping you through your journey of transformation. All of us are on a journey of change. Whether personal or professional, change can be challenging yet critical to our transformative moments. That’s where I can help and guide you onto your chosen path. And, with the intuitive help of a “3rd party” you will quickly be on your path. What 3rd party? It’s the horse of course. Together you will see, believe, and achieve the outcomes you desire.
Why partner with a horse? It’s simple. They “get us humans” and specifically they know when we are being truthful and authentic. They can know us better than we know ourselves. In over 40 years of working with horses I have never seen them fail to get me better than I get myself. Why the horse? Because it’s the perfect partnership for all of us. I combine classic Gestalt techniques, solid personal coaching, and equine intuition to help you see, believe, and achieve. What could be better!
Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I’ve been in the “horse business” for over 40 years as a rider, competitor, trainer, ranch owner, and overall enthusiast of all things equine. I’m also a research scientist having spent 15 years as a physiologist doing research at Seattle’s major trauma center, Harborview. I’m a mother of two wonderful adult children and I’m married to the same person for 40 years. Life has been good to me.
Over the years I’ve found that my greatest contribution is to help and guide others and like so many others, I discovered that coaching is my calling. At our ranch, Rider’s Edge Farm, I have been coaching and training equestrian skills for over 10 years. I also discovered that through the horse we have been coaching riders, parents, and extended family members to achieve their personal goals. In essence, to see, believe, and achieve the outcomes they wanted. Their journey of transformation happened in partnership with the horse.
Are you ready to move forward? Let’s go!